Let's start!

This is how you customise your SWIFT lift.

On the following pages, simply click to select the alternative that fits your house. Choose lift model, number of floors, colour of the carpet and other options.
The price is always updated. Just relax and let us guide you.
See the always updated summary by using the in the upper right corner. Once on the summary page, just press Back to configuration to - you guessed it - get back to questions.
Get details info
On the summary, fill in your e-mail and get an immediate and customized proposal.
Find the continue button at the end of the page. You can also use the back icon (In the upper left) or the menu above to get to another question.
Now you are ready. Choose whether you want to configure SWIFT Pro which is our flagship among our residential elevators or SWIFT Lite is created to offer style and comfort at an affordable price.